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Bonkers The Evolution Of A Slang Term

Bonkers: The Evolution of a Slang Term

Origins and Etymology

The term "bonkers" emerged in the mid-1900s as slang within the British military. It is believed to have originated from the Hindi word "bhang," which refers to a potent cannabis preparation. Soldiers stationed in India during World War II may have adopted the term to describe the disorienting effects of the drug.

Semantic Shifts

Over time, "bonkers" gradually transitioned from its initial association with cannabis intoxication to a more general meaning of craziness or silliness. This semantic shift occurred in the 1960s and 1970s, coinciding with the rise of counterculture movements and the use of slang to express nonconformity.

Current Usage

Today, "bonkers" is widely used in informal settings to describe behavior or ideas that are deemed eccentric, absurd, or unconventional. It can be applied to both individuals and situations, conveying a sense of amusement or mild disapproval.

Example Sentences

- "That plan is bonkers! It has no chance of succeeding." - "She's been acting so bonkers lately, I can't keep up with her." - "The whole situation is just plain bonkers, I don't know what to think."


The slang term "bonkers" has undergone a remarkable evolution, from its origins as a military jargon to its current status as a versatile expression of absurdity and eccentricity. Its usage has permeated popular culture and continues to add a touch of humor and irreverence to everyday speech.
